B.S. Radio Sponsorship Continuation: Bi-Weekly Twitter Spaces Podcast

tl;dr: Following +900 listeners in our 2 Lil Nouns/Lil Sisters Sponsored Twitter Spaces and the ability to uplift women in web3 through our 1st Lil Sister grant, we would like to continue our partnership with the Lil Sisters through another round of funding.

B.S. Radio, a podcast that I produce and co-host with Bianca aka @illuminatedbab3, is looking to continue our partnership with Lil Sisters for another round after a successful 1st round. These couple of weeks of Lil Sisters sponsored episodes have allowed us to solidify our brand more deeply as a place to uplift web 3 artists, especially women, queer people, and people of color, and to embrace joy for the sake of joy.

For more about the vision B.S. Radio, please read my Mirror article here: A Manifesto of B.S. — shxdw🕷🌹 11/11


In our Lil Sisters-sponsored episode, we proliferated the nouns by:

-Wearing a Lil Noun pfp throughout the show

-Reading copy about the Lil Nouns at the beginning of the show

-Thanking Lil Nouns at the end of the show

We will continue to do this in this next sponsorship round.

Through our Lil Noun-sponsored episodes we:

-Reached 958 listeners through Twitter Spaces alone

-Prompted follow up questions and conversations about how to join the noun ecosystem from listeners, primarily women

-Expanded the entertainment offerings of the Lil Nouns

-Used our platform to highlight Rae Isla, a woman and artist in music NFTs

-Used our platform to highlight J’Von, an artist in Web3 who created Loser Club. This project has women in key leadership roles. It also prioritizes diverse human traits including those that are authentic to African American women, such as afro hair, which is often missing from pfp projects. These attributes are in alignment with the Lil Sisters mission of uplifting women and non-binary people.

I hope you will have us again. We look forward to hearing back with any feedback!

B.S. Radio Mirror article: A Manifesto of B.S. — shxdw🕷🌹 11/11

Previous proposal for refrence: Nouns Podcast Sponsorship



PS: For full transparency, we will also be submitting to Prop House for B.S. Radio for a 2 ETH grant as well. The focus there will be getting B.S. Radio onto Web2 via streaming platforms and social media platforms. As we expand into web2 more tasks and a bigger team will be required which is why are requesting another grant via Prop House.