Starting #spanish community onboarding and expansion


  • I’m starting with reaching out to Moña Collective (a Dominican community of around 350 members) to teach and educate them on everything Nounish.

Out of the interested group, onboard them into the Lil Nouns discord and community. I’ll be actively looking for possible team members to create a more formal NounLATAM soon.

  • Reaching out to other Spanish-speaking communities as a Nounish representative to educate on everything Nounish.

Reaching out to other communities will proliferate Nounish and onboard other members from other communities.

  • Setting up voice chats in the Lil Nouns discord (in Spanish)

These voice chats aim to orient members and clear up any questions they might have.

  • Being the middle man between 0 English Spanish speakers and other community members who might have skill sets they might need for their idea (Collaborating).

A middle man will help non-English speakers connect with other community members by assisting them in expressing their ideas appropriately (something that Google Translate will not do correctly).

After this pilot, I will gather up a team to create an on-chain proposal for the creation of NounsLATAM for the active proliferation of nounish.

I currently see NounsLATAM (or another name the team chooses) covering mainly 2 points:

  1. Proliferating Nounish among LATAM through IRL events, panels, twitter spaces, and collaborations

  2. Proactively looking to onboard more talented and skillful Latin Americans to build/collaborate on quality projects.

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